“Uwate” is “overarm”, or as we say in sumo, having an “outside grip”. “Nage” is “throw”. This is the most common throwing technique. After establishing an outside grip on the mawashi, the attacker throws his opponent by heaving him down at a sharp angle as he turns away, twisting his hip under his opponent and leaning forward, throwing him down.
Start with an outside grip on the mawashi and an inside hold around the back or grip on the mawashi. Position your jaw on your opponent’s neck or shoulder and pull your opponent into you with the inside grip.
As you twist, use your hip to get your opponent off balance. With your inside hold or grip, pull your opponent around and down (at some point you will have to release your hold or grip).
Use your inside foot as a pivot point while turning away from your opponent, twisting him around your body and down. You may also use your head and/or shoulders to force him down. Maintain balance and keep your center of gravity low.